Provincial Grand Lodge 6th May 2015
In Preparation
During the afternoon of Tuesday the 5th March members of the Mark Province of West Lancashire started to make their way to the Southport Theatre and Convention Centre in advance of the Provincial Meeting which was due to take place the following day.
As has become the custom those senior officers of the Province, along with their Ladies, meet together and spend the evening prior to the meeting at the Ramada, which is adjacent to the Venue.
Above the picture show Keith Beardmore with June,
Jennifer Bicknell and Maureen Harrison relaxing with a drink.
Keith with Tony Harrison, Presiding Officer and John Bicknell, Prov. Grand Secretary designate
Below: Marion Lee with Eric and Tegwen Drinkwater and above: John with Sue and Geoff Catterall
The Day Begins
Early on the Wednesday morning other members of the secretariat, those essential members of the Southport Mark Lodges who arrange the furnishings, kindly loaned by Southport Masonic Hall, and the Members of Philadelphia Mark, who Steward the meeting under he leadership of Stuart Brackstone, all arrived and set about putting into action all the plans and organisation that had been going on for months in the Provincial Office to bring us Provincial Grand Lodge of the Mark Province of West Lancashire
John Waring Assistant Prov. G. Sec.
Discrete Advert from the webmaster
But this was no be no ordinary Provincial Grand Lodge, if indeed any Provincial Grand Lodge is ever Ordinary
Today MW Bro. Richard Victor Wallis, Pro. Grand Master was in attendance to Install VW Bro. Keith Alan Beardmore as our new Provincial Grand Master, along with MW Bro. Wallis were several members of the Grand Team including Angus Hannagan, Grand Secretary and Kessick Jones, Grand Director of Ceremonies, who soon started to put those involved in the Investiture through their paces.
Glyn Davis with Kessick Jones
Stuart Cowburn, Keith Beardmore and Glyn Davis
Ken Boon, Prov. D.C.nd David Emmerson Prov. D.C.
The Escort Party rehearse
and the cushion bearers rehearse their parts
Following which they were all given a short break and the brethren began to take their seats.
A Short Break (in pictures)
Tony Harrison with John Forster
Stuart Cowburn, Alan Foster and Howard Emmett, all in the Escort
Peter Elmore, Brian Fox and Keith Kemp
Ian Nairn, David Emmerson and Michael Clarke
Geoff Catterall raises and concerned look on John Bicknell's face!
The Dome in all its glory
Keith with Tony
Keith clearly looking forward to the days events
Andrew Dickson, Terry Hudson and Geoff Smith
Keith and Geoff have a laugh with Danny Jones
A pose for the web site, (first of many)
Keith with Bryan Kennedy from Durham
John Forster with Graham Bailey
The Team Prepare

There are of course no photographs of the Investiture, but the Provincial Grand Lodge was opened by VW Bro Tony Harrison as Presiding Officer.

The Pro. Grand Master entered in procession and occupied the Chair for the main business of the morning which was to Install our new Provincial Grand Master, Keith Alan Beardmore. He was assisted by RW Bro. Keith Schofield (PGM East Lancashire) as Senior Warden and RW Bro. Bro Tony Morris (PGM Leicestershire) as Junior Warden along with the officers of Grand Lodge.
Before doing so however, he addressed the assembled brethren and paid tribute to RW Bro. Peter Connolly acknowledging the great service he had provided to Mark Masonry and the Province of West Lancashire in particular.
The Provincial Grand Master Designate entered the Lodge and was obligated and installed in fine form.
He in turn installed W. Bro. Geoff Lee as his Deputy and VW Bro. Michael Clarke and Ian Nairn as his Assistant PGM's
The Pro. Grand Master and his Team retired, Provincial Grand Lodge was adjourned, and we all retired to to a meal befitting the occasion.
Prior to which the the new Executive found time to allow us to take photographs and enjoy a small reception for our visiting dignitaries.
VW Bro. Michael Clarke, Asst. PGM, RW Bro. Keith Beardmore, Provincial Grand Master,
MW Bro. Richard Victor Wallis, Pro Grand Master,
W. Bro. Geoff Lee, Deputy Provincial Grand Master and Ian Nairn, Asst. PGM
As Previous picture with RW Bro. Keith Schofield and RW Bro RW Bro. Tony Morris
And with the Grand Team
At the reception Senior members of all aspects of Masonry in Lancashire were able to mix and share views with those from Grand Lodge and one another.
The Banquet
The Pro Grand Master circulates ... Does Kessick Jones
Stewart Seddon and Phil Gunning
'The Wardens' Andrew Whittle SW and Tony Cross JW
Provincial Grand Lodge Resumes
After the Pro. Grand Master retired and the brethren returned to the Lodge room and awaited the arrival of the Provincial Grand Master.
Now here are a couple mates, Peter Hegarty and Giles Berkley Past Wardens together
and speaking of Wardens Arthur and Tony have had a great year, (thank you both)
The Provincial Grand Master resumed the Lodge and discharged the business with alacrity appointing his new Provincial Team following which the brethren dispersed and made their way home.
Brethren, thank you all for support me and the Province at the Investiture Meeting.

I look forward to us Marking Well together for many years to come.

Keith Alan Beardmore
Provincial Grand Master
Article Courtesy of Mike Beesley
Photographs Courtesy of Giles Berkley